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Jesus Led Filmmaking, Solomon Islands

Jesus Led Filmmaking Solomon Islands highlights (40 Stories Project)

Jesus Led Filmmaking Solomon Islands highlights (40 Stories Project)

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Jesus Led Filmmaking bootcamp
Honiara, Solomon Islands

“I am so thankful for the JLFM training. It shifted my perspective, and many mindsets. It came just at the right time for the Solomon Islands. I’m feeling already called to produce films that counter the culture, communicate to the heart, allow people the opportunity to change their heart to God...."


JLFM participant



At 40 Stories, we are determined to be Jesus-led in how we capture and communicate the stories he is writing in people’s lives, with excellent, engaging and inspiring story-telling.  


With our Jesus Led Filmmaking training course, we have begun passing on the life posture and filmmaking skills that we have been practising. Many people can produce films, but to be Jesus-led puts our skills and stories into the hands of the Good Shepherd, who is able to do "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." (Ephesians 3:20)


We pray and hope that the sharing of good news stories about Jesus is multiplied across the nations. Raising teams of Jesus-Led filmmakers who are ready to capture, create and share the stories He is writing in people’s lives, families, communities and nations.

5 Solomon Islander film makers discussing making a film
Steven Alufurai speaking at the training bootcamp
4 film makers working together to make a film

Some photos from Jesus Led Filmmaking bootcamp
Honiara, Solomon Islands

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