Forgiveness sets you free
SHORT STORY - Forgiveness
Loretta George | Beswick, NT, Australia
Loretta George was abandoned by her Mum when she was 10, and her little sister was 6. She carried bitterness for many years. Forgiveness set her free.
Loretta's husband Ray died in hospital. He experienced hell. He says Jesus brought him back, and changed his life.


Raised from the dead
KEY QUOTES from this story:
My partner... He was drinking too much grog, and smoking too much gunja (marijuana), and that's when he had a big fall.
I went to the chapel in Darwin Hospital and prayed and cried. "Lord, bring my husband back"...
He said he was in this dark place where... he didn't like being there. He felt this heat and he heard people crying and yelling and singing out for help.
(Ray, Loretta's partner) I'm walking, walking, they're grabbing me by my shirt and everything, to stop me there, but I said "No, I want to go straight to that little light".
When we were praying, this light just shined in this dark place. As he was walking, he saw this light and he found Jesus.
(Ray) When I woke up in that body bag, I was moving around, trying to open that zipper,
That's when God answered our prayer and brought my husband back to life.
And now he is really gentle. And God uses him to witness to other men, too, in our community.
I thank God because only God can do that.
Women come to me, or woman with babies or their partner. And they just say, "Can you come and pray for my family?
And then I ask the person the next day, "your husband or your baby, all right"? And they say, "yeah".
Prayer is powerful.
Jesus changed my life by hearing the elders and learning from them.
And I did find Jesus. Without him, I wouldn't be here today.
I've been through many sorrows
I haven't got a reason why they're all gone. Only God knows.
A Scripture verse always comes to me in Psalm 23. God is saying, the Lord is my Shepherd.
I can't hardly describe how much God really loves us.
When my father died, my mum, she abandoned me and my little sister.
I felt this hurt when I was growing up, you know, when I was older with my own kids.
I couldn't find her, till God brought her back.
I was happy, but not really, because I still had anger, bitterness. Only that outside appearance I had that love and smile ... but inside, I didn't have that real love for my Mum, you know, because she left me.
I felt the Lord speaking to me, "Pray for your mum and forgive her, and do it in action. So I had to take the first step and say, "Mummy, I'm sorry.
If you don't forgive, you will be carrying that burden for the rest of your life.
And when we forgive... It sets you free. And it sets your enemy free.
A short taste of this story.

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