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God is my Daddy

Janet Justice Aihari | Malaita, Solomon Islands

Orphaned at 7, "kicked around" by her siblings, "ruined by the world"... but now giving her life to physically and spiritually care for widows and orphans. "I see God as a Daddy. He cares.... He had a plan for me" Filmed on location in the beautiful province of Malaita, Solomon Islands, and ending with a rich, local song of worship sung by 600 people, you will be blessed and challenged by Janet’s powerful story. 

He is my Daddy (Janet Justice Aihari, Solomon Islands)
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12min 23s   |   English   |  WATCH WITH SUBTITLES IN OTHER LANGUAGES →


Orphaned, adoption


Social justice

Caring for orphans and widows


KEY QUOTES from this story:

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart... (Jeremiah 1v5)


COMING SOON....    A short taste of this story.

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